Options matter when it comes to editing your jewelry collection.
As a valuable service to our clients, we offer gold and diamond buying in aprivate, and comfortable environment. Why gold and diamond buying? It maybe time to refresh and edit your jewelry collection, time to move on from theitems that no longer work for you or have outlived their meaning. Maybeyou've inherited a collection from a parent, grandparent or familymember. You may not know where to begin, what's valuable, what isn't andwhat should you keep. If so, this service is the perfect next step foryou. And remember, selling isn't the only option. Read below foranswers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Consultations areprivate, pressure free and are of no charge to you!
You'll find answers to our most frequently asked questions here!
Yes. Buying services are offered by appointment. You may schedule an appointment here.
-Diamonds & Gemstones
-Gold, Platinum & Silver Jewelry in any condition
-Vintage & Estate Jewelry
-High End Watches
-Sterling Flatware & Serveware
Yes, we buy broken jewelry if crafted of precious metal. We do not buy costume jewelry.
No, we do not buy costume jewelry.
Yes, we can send a shipping packet right to your front door. Please call for details.
Yes. All items shipped using one of our provided labels will be insured if specified as such.
If selling your valuable good is the right decision for you, payment is offered in a number of convenient methods! We'll go over all of your options during your visit.
You are under no obligation to sell your items and they will be returned to you if you choose not to sell.
In certain circumstances we may offer brokering services. Please inquire for details.
No, we do not consign items or offer consignment services.

REIMAGINE your diamonds, gemstones and jewelry into an modern, heirloom quality piece of jewelry you will enjoy wearing for years to come.