CREATED NOT MINED. You're a fresh thinker. Always looking for new ways to be unique and shine bright! That's why you're HERE! You're ready to learn about Laboratory Grown Diamonds. The industry is buzzing over these beautiful gemstones. There's a lot to learn. Let's cover the basics here. Then we invite you to book a Diamond Concierge Session for a deeper look.

Created Diamonds or Laboratory Grown Diamonds are Diamonds Created in a Laboratory Environment either through a process called HPHT (High Pressure Hight Temperature) or through CVD (Chemical Vapor Disposition). Laboratory Grown or "created" Diamonds fall into the Type IIA Diamonds and are chemically and physically equal to their natural counterparts. Therefore, they are real diamonds and considered as such both how they are graded and how they are viewed by the FTC (the Federal Trade Commission).

Technology has changed every industry and the diamond industry is no exception. Lab Grown Diamonds are another option born of technology allowing us to create in a controlled setting what the earth has given us naturally.

While it takes energy and resources to both mine natural diamonds and manufacture laboratory diamonds, sustainable practices in the growing process allow us to be mindful of natural resources. Lab Grown Diamonds are a fantastic option for sustainability and ethical minded purchasing. Both our Natural and Laboratory Grown Diamonds are conflict-free as we follow both the Kimberly Process when selecting and sourcing our Natural Diamonds and because Lab Grown Diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory setting.
Let's explore some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to Lab Grown Diamonds.
It all comes down to personal preference! There is room for choice in the diamond world and that choice comes down to education and understanding. Both natural and grown diamonds are ethical, sustainable and beautiful! Our Diamond Concierge Service can help you determine which is the right option for you.
Laboratory Grown or "created" Diamonds fall into the Type IIA Category of Diamonds and are chemically and physically equal to their natural counterparts. According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) "Because laboratory-grown diamonds are essentially chemically and optically the same as natural diamonds, traditional gemological observations and instrumentation are not able to tell them apart." Laboratory Grown Diamonds are "real" diamonds and considered as such both in how they are graded by industry recognized certification houses and how they are recognized by the FTC (the Federal Trade Commission).
Laboratory Grown Diamonds are evaluated and graded using the same universally recognized scale and terms as those of natural diamonds
Many Grading Houses grade and certify Laboratory Grown Diamonds including the GIA, IGI and GCAL.
The Kimberley Process (KP) unites administrations, civil societies, and industry in reducing the flow of conflict diamonds - ‘rough diamonds used to finance wars against governments’ - around the world. All of our hand selected, natural diamonds are ethically sourced and fall under this category.
Because laboratory-grown diamonds are essentially chemically and optically the same as natural diamonds, traditional gemological observations and instrumentation are not able to tell them apart. Sophisticated devices and insturmention are use to definitively identify natural diamonds from Laboratory Grown Diamonds.
Certified Diamonds are graded and authenticated either as Natural Or Lab Grown and Laboratory Grown diamonds will be laser inscribed with LG or LABGROWN and their individual certificate number to idenitfy it as such.
The simple answer is no. Since a natural diamond is a natural element found and sourced in nature, it will always have intrinsic value. Laboratory Grown Diamonds, while equal in structure and beauty are not considered a natural element and therefore have their own value parameters.

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